Preparing for the Cold Snap
By taking these proactive steps, you can minimise risks and ensure that you, your loved ones, and your property stay safe during the cold snap.
Protecting Your Home at Christmas
Keep your loved ones and home safe this Christmas with these important tips and tricks!
Be prepared for driving this winter
Here are some tips to keep in mind to keep you safe on your journey wherever you may be going this winter.
Protecting Your Furry Friend
Fireworks displays are a dazzling spectacle that many of us enjoy, especially during holidays like Halloween and New Year's Eve.
Alternative Routes to Success
The Transport Operations & Commercial Driving Apprenticeship offers an alternative career path to participants.
The Role of the Office to Promote Competition in the Insurance Market
The Role of the Office to Promote Competition in the Insurance Market
How can the Injuries Resolution Board support me?
How can the Injuries Resolution Board support me?
How to protect your holiday from unexpected events
How can you protect your holiday from unexpected events?
What impact does having coeliac disease have on insurance?
What impact does having coeliac disease have on insurance?
Can I still get travel insurance if I have a pre-existing medical condition?
It’s important to ensure you will be covered in case of emergency when you go abroad!
What happens if I am involved in an accident with an uninsured driver? Is there anyone who can help?
If you are involved in an accident with a driver who is uninsured or is untraced, you might still be able to claim compensation.
Why it is important to raise awareness about the Gender Pension Gap?
While marking International Women’s Day, it is important to add our voice and raise awareness about the persisting Gender Pension Gap and the societal implications arising from it.
How to report Insurance Fraud
Insurance Fraud impacts you and your premium. However, Insurance Confidential allows suspected insurance fraud to be reported easily, quickly, and most importantly, anonymously.
I have a serious medical condition – can I still get life cover for a mortgage?
Some useful information if you have a serious medical condition and are looking to get life cover for a mortgage.
New Code of Practice for Cancer Survivors Access to Mortgage Protection Insurance
A new Code of Practice for Underwriting Mortgage Protection Insurance for Cancer Survivors has come into effect which aims to provide a faster, more streamlined process for cancer survivors.
What is Auto-Enrolment and what does it mean for you?
Auto-enrolment is a new pension system that the Irish Government is planning to introduce in 2024.
What do Irish people really think about pensions?
A new European survey takes a look at what Irish people really think about pensions and what is most important to them when planning for their retirement.
When there is a storm, help is at hand
In Ireland, we can be subject to harsh weather conditions which can take their toll on your home. Here, you can find some helpful information on what to do and who you can call in the event of property damage to your home during a storm.